- If you specify a path and a file name, the path must be local to the computer. 如果您指定了路径和文件名,该路径必须位于计算机本地。
- Bitmap indexes on partitioned tables must be local indexes. 分区表的位图索引必须是本地索引。
- The number of minutes that must be added to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to display time local to the server. 必须添加到Coordinated Universal Time(UTC)的分钟数,以显示服务器的本地时间。
- Note that in all cases (other than listing) at least one of the source and destination paths must be local. 注意在多数情况下(除了所列出的以外)至少源和目的文件路径中有一个必须是本地的。
- It must be difficult to play various personae in the same movie. 在同一个电影中扮演不同的角色肯定不容易。
- It is a fact that must be faced up to. 这是必须正视的事实。
- She must be made to comply with the rules. 必须强迫她遵守这些规则。
- The stolen property must be restored to its owner. 赃物必须物归原主。
- Industry must be geared to wartime needs. 工业必须调整以适应战时需要。
- The edge must be machined to 0.02 millimeters. 这边缘必须切割到0.;02毫米的精密度。
- The number of minutes that must be added to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) to display time local to the connection. 必须添加到Coordinated Universal Time(UTC)中以显示连接本地时间的分钟数。
- Many reforms must be made to the education system. 教育体制要作许多改革。
- Measures must be taken to meet the situation. 必须采取措施以应付这种局面。
- Sensitive areas must be masked and taped against damage during the work.Such areas would be local equipment cables instruments open line work etc. 作业过程中必须将敏感区域(包括当地设备电缆、仪表、打开的管线等)遮盖住并用带子围起来以防止损坏。
- China auto market has its own specialty; imported vehicles must be locally modified to meet market requirements. 与其他国家相比,中国汽车市场具有特殊性,引进汽车产品必须经过本土化改进才能适应中国市场需求。
- Our policy must be made known to the broad masses. 我们的政策必须让广大民众都知道。
- Come by the fire you must be chilled to the marrow! 到火旁边来吧--你一定冻坏了。
- The new building must be financed by the local authority. 新大楼的建筑资金必须由地方当局提供。
- You must be a saint to be able to stand his temper! 能受得了他的脾气,一定得非常有涵养!
- Note that enterprise projects cannot be stored to a local database; they must be saved locally to a computer or network first. 请注意,企业项目无法存储到本地数据库中,必须先将它们以本地方式保存在计算机或网络中。